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Best Flooring Types for Bathrooms

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When designing or renovating their bathroom, most homeowners pay more attention to the design and style they have in mind. The flooring is often overlooked or just picked without too much thought.

However, given how important the bathroom is to any home, every detail that goes into its planning should be carefully considered and that includes the flooring.

2 main important things to keep in mind when choosing a bathroom flooring are its water resistance and how slippery it can get.

A bathroom would inevitably get wet, which is why it is essential to ensure that you’ve already made preparations to avoid or prevent any unforeseen circumstances as it is no secret that a wet bathroom can be hazardous.

Below are some of the best and most affordable flooring options you can use for your bathroom:

This isn’t to say that these options are the perfect choices as they all come with their pros and cons, however, compared to other flooring options, these, floors are better suited to bathroom needs.

Porcelain or ceramic tiles

This is the preferred choice for most homeowners. Ceramic and porcelain tiles are great flooring options for bathrooms because their hard surfaces make them non-slippery, waterproof, and resilient. The fact that they’re cheaper compared to other flooring options makes them an all-time favorite.

Vinyl flooring

Vinyl floorings are durable, affordable, easy to clean, and waterproof. It also helps that they come in different designs and styles to fit into almost any decor theme.

Bamboo flooring

Bamboo is sustainable, eco-friendly, and even more affordable than all the other options listed above.

If you want to go for this option, it may be better to go for the synthetic or engineered version as they are stronger and more durable.

Laminate flooring

The remodeling world has been seeing a steady rise in the usage of laminate flooring. Homeowners love this option because not only are they durable, but they are also easy to install.

However, other options are not very slip resistant, this is why you must carry along experts as they will be in a position to make better decisions.

American Remodeling Experts – Your Best Bet for Remodeling your Bathrooms

American remodeling experts are your best bet in getting an amazing and stunning bathroom to remodel that will stun you. We will work together with you to come up with designs and selections you’ll love. Kindly reach out to us here and let’s discuss further.